


Older pitched roofs can suffer with roof spread which could indicate that a structural timber member with decay should be removed and replaced with fresh preservative treated timber.

Alternatively sagging to a pitched roof can occur where the original roof covering has been replaced, where the new covering may be so much heavier than the original that the design loading of the supporting timbers has been exceeded.

Condensation within a roof space is aggravated by insufficient ventilation or by rain penetration.

Where insulation is blocking ventilation at eaves level within a loft space it will be required to install spacer trays to maintain a ventilation channel.

Where dampness and staining of ceilings below the roof line are present this can indicate the faulty installation of sarking felt as well as the omission of a tilting piece which supports the felt over the fascia board (the fascia board will support the guttering installation).

Roofs covers can suffer with water ingress due to spilled and displaced slates, spalled clay tiles, slates delaminating, faulty lead flashing, insufficient sarking felt, moss growth as well  defective rain water goods.
